Mark's Trains Ltd, Workspace House, 28-29 Maxwell Road, Peterborough, PE2 7JE    01733 609 414

Hello everyone, I trust you are all enjoying this lovely sunny Saturday morning! The workshop has been quite busy over the last month with many conversions undertaken and plenty of repairs attended to. A few prime examples include the sound conversion of three N gauge Farish class 47’s, a couple Bachmann OO gauge 3F’s converted to sound, and I’ve even had a couple 009 gauge steam locomotives to convert to DCC. I have worked on my first US outline locomotives as a business last week, converting two Athean’s to DCC.

Along with all the work I’ve had in the workshop over the last month, I have also been busy updating and making a few changes to the website. Most of these have been covered in my previous post from this week. However I have since then also upgraded the photo gallery so that they now appear over several pages instead of a long list of photo’s. I have also created a video gallery to save viewers having to trawl through posts to find them, you will find the new video gallery link at the top of the website next to the gallery link.

Here is a collection of photo’s taken over the last month, of some of my work completed. You will also find a couple new videos in my video gallery.

Recent work 06/08/16

Enjoy and have a great weekend 🙂


Mark Johns